The documentation on the PAPI framework can be accessed according to the following categories:
Introductory material
If you do not understand the benefits of Authentication & Authorization Infrastructures or what the most common deployments of PAPI are, you need to read these documents.
These are some documents about the why and what of AAIs and the basic PAPI technology concepts:
- PAPI for Numpties, by Ian Stuart
- El Sistema PAPI en el CSIC, by Carmen Pérez
- Control de acceso a proveedores de información
- FAQ for the Perl PAPI Distribution
And these are some practical documents on how to deploy PAPI:
- Instalación y configuración de una arquitectura PAPI, by Jaime Pérez Crespo
- Instalación de PAPI en la Universidad de Córdoba para proporcionar acceso remoto a bases de datos y publicaciones electrónicas, by Luis Meléndez
- Conexión Metalib, SFX y PAPI, by Teresa Matamoros Casas
- Reference table of the PAPI protocol requests and responses
- A Detailed Description of the PAPI Protocol
Software documentation
- Perl
- Java
- PAPI EE. Adapting PAPI to Shibboleth
- PAPI based federation as a test-bed for a common security infrastructure in EFDA sites
- Attribute-based Interactions in a Distributed AAI: The PAPI Experience
- Application of the PAPI AuthN and AuthZ System to the TJ-II Remote Participation Environment
- March 2003.
- PAPI 1.2. A usage-driven release
- TF-AACE Workshop. November 2002.
- Building and (inter)operating AA services. A tour into reality
- TERENA AA(A) Mini-symposium. October 2002.
- Ubiquitous Internet Access Control: The PAPI System
- PAPI and LDAP. Using directories for local authentication and authorization
- GNOMIS. April 2002.
- Acceso Ubicuo a recursos de información en Internet: El sistema PAPI
- Presented at the TECNIMAP 2002 Conference.