Almost all PAPI Java components are based in a general framework called PAPI-EE, that provides the foundations for current and future implementations of the PAPI protocol(s) in Java.
Those PAPI Java components not yet in PAPI-EE are being migrated by the PAPI development team.
- PAPI-EE Javadoc
- All the PAPI-EE software packages
- Crypto support, papiee-crypt
- Subversion snapshot
- Project root page at RedIRIS Forge
PAPIFilter is an implementation of the javax.servlet.Filter interface that behaves like a PAPI PoA.
PAPIFilter should work with any Java application server, but has been developed and tested using Apache Tomcat 5
ShibbolethFilter is an implementation of the javax.servlet.Filter interface that allows PAPI-based federations to interact with Shibboleth-based resources. This filter requires PAPIFilter to be deployed.
ShibbolethFilter should work with any Java application server, but has been developed and tested using Apache Tomcat 5
- ShibbolethFilter Javadoc
- ShibbolethFilter Installation Guide
- ShibbolethFilter JAR
- ShibbolethFilter software distribution
Components not yet in PAPI-EE
PAPIJAAS is a PAPI PoA able to be integrated with the Java Authentication and Authorization Service (JAAS).
JAAS allows for the integration of AA systems within any Java-based environment, using a PAM (Pluggable Authentication Module) framework. With PAPIJAAS, any Java application able to use JAAS for authentication can take advantage of the PAPI framework.
SAGPoA is the Java-based PAPI Stand-Alone GPoA. SAGPoA is based on AA-RR, a Java tool that, providing a concrete set of rules and a communication protocol, can emulate almost any authentication/authorization component. In the case of SAGPoA the file holding the rules is included in the distribution, and a Jetty web server is integrated within the application in order to handle HTTP requests and responses.
- SAGPoA Installation Guide
- SAGPoA Source Tree (at the RedIRIS CVS server)
- SAGPoA JAR distribution (fat jar, including all necessary components)